Asp – Can MVC run on 3.5 IIS6? NON SP1

I was lead to believe that MVC apps were BIN-deployable, so could be deployed to any 3.5 compatible server. I'm trying to deploy to a Windows Server 2003 x64 with 3.5 (no SP1) and am having trouble getting it working.

I get the following when hitting the homepage, which redirects to the /Account/LogOn view due to our app config.

The page cannot be found

I've got the three (plus Extensions, I can't remember why) MVC dll's set to Copy Local, so they end up in the bin-folder. I'm publishing and then copying over the app to the server:

  • System.Web.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Web.Mvc.dll
  • System.Web.Routing.dll
  • System.Web.Extensions.dll

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? The app works on another machine we have with 3.5 SP1, and on development machines, also SP1 and with MVC installed.

I've gone over everything I can think of, ensured the permissions are correct, etc.

Best Answer

Have you set up wildcard mapping on the server that does not work? See "Deploying ASP.NET MVC to IIS 6" for an example. You basically need to map all requests to the ASP.NET ISAPI DLL and tell IIS not to try to verify that the file exists. Don't know if that's your issue, but it has bitten me a few times in deployments.