– Custom app_offline.htm file during publish studio 2010

When I publish my ASP.NET MVC application it generates a app_offline.htm file to take the site offline while it updates the website and then deletes the file once the publish is successful.

This is cool and I really like the idea, but I want to create my own custom app_offline.htm file that the publish action is aware of and put it somewhere where it doesn't effect my development site – i.e. it doesn't sit in the root of my development site rendering it offline all the time.

EDIT: From the comments on Scott Gu's post about app_offline.htm, it seems that customization of the app_offline.htm file wasn't possible with VS 2005 – has this changed with VS 2008 and now VS 2010?

Best Answer

I know this is old but since I found a solution after looking here I thought I should provide an answer. VS 11 holds the publishing app_offline.htm file in this location:


I have tested this and customized it and it does work if you change this file. The down side, of course, is that this is the file used for all web publishing.