Asp – Debugging .aspx in WAP

In WAP, should you expect to get errors when debugging an .aspx during compile time? I'm not getting any errors when my .aspx has errors until runtime when using Web Application Projects. I never really thought about it, because I've always just used WAP. I'm asking the question for someone else and I don't see any information on an answer to this.

we do conditional rendering of custom controls so it's important for us to be able to debug errors during compile time in an .aspx page before it hits production.

Best Answer

If you have syntax errors these can get caught at compile time. However, if you have bugs in the logic of the program or the look of the page, that may not always be caught at compile time. For example, if you want to have a specific layout of a form this requires running the page in various browsers to confirm that there isn't a bug.

Tools like Resharper can help some but there isn't a silver bullet for this. It may be better to have tests like nUnit or WatiN to help catch errors if something doesn't work as expected in terms of finding bugs.