Asp – Getting the SubSonic MVC Templates to work with the database

I downloaded and installed the SubSonic MVC templates. I'm able to create a new project from this template and the 'prewritten' views work fine. I'm able to edit records from the Artist table of the included 'Chinook' database.

So now I'd like to get this to work with MY database. Here's what I've done.

  1. Changed to connectionstring in the Web.Config to point to my DB running on a local copy of SQL 2008.
  2. Updated the file to reflect the above connection
  3. rerun the each of the tt files by right clicking and selecting 'run custom tool'

** when I do this all the cs files is are empty. No errors just empty files **

To be sure I've removed the Referance to SubSonic and readded it with no help.

Have I missed something? Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

The Error List should show what's happening when you try to run the custom tool and you get nothing. Do you see any errors listed there?