Google 404 and .NET Custom Error Pages


I've got an ASP.NET 2.0 website with a custom 404 page. When content is not found the site serves the custom 404 page with a query string addition of aspxerrorpath=/mauro.aspx. The 404 page itself is served with an HTTP status of 200. To try to resolve this I've added

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.StatusCode = 404;

I added the Google widget and have two issues with it. In Internet Explorer 7 it does not display where it should. If I add it to the content, I get an "unknown error" on char 79 line 226 or thereabouts; if I add it to the head section the search boxes appear above the content. In Firefox it works fine.

So my issues are:

  1. How do I make the widget appear
  2. How do I make the error page
    render as a 404 with the original
    name and path of the file being
    requested so that when I request
    mauro.aspx I get the content for the
    404 page, but with the URL of
    mauro.aspx? (I assume that I will
    have to do some URL rewriting in the
    begin_request global.asax file, but
    would like this confirmed before I
    do anything silly.)

Best Answer

There is a new redirect mode in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 that you can now use so it doesn't redirect. It shows the error page, but keeps the URL the same:

"Also nice for URL redirects. If you set the redirectMode on in web.config to "responseRewrite" you can avoid a redirect to a custom error page and leave the URL in the browser untouched."

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