Asp – Help! basic ASP.NET 3.5 radiobuttonlist not working right inside a updatepanel

So I have a radiobuttonlist inside an updatepanel. I seem to be hitting a really simple yet vexing problem –

Even though I've set AutoPostBack=true, when I click on a radio button, I see the postback happen but the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire at all. Not only that, even in the postback, when I check SelectedIndex it shows -1 instead of the button I clicked.

this is so annoying and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's plain and simple postback and server side processing to know which radio button in the list got clicked, there is nothing fancy in the code on either the server or client sides.

Please help!

(PS – I tried with/without adding the rbList control and the SelectedIndexChanged as triggers for the update panel and it still doesn't work..the SelectedIndexChanged does not fire)

Best Answer

Try testing it outside the UpdatePanel to see if in a non-ajax situation it does fire. Maybe your mistake is somewhere else.

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