Asp – How to convince the admins to upgrade from ASP.NET 2.0 to 3.5

I am trying to convince my web server admins to upgrade our version of the .NET framework from 2.0 to 3.5. I was wondering what are the best reasons to upgrade, from a server admin prospective. Obviously, there are the over arching ideas of keeping up to date, security, and so forth. I am looking for some hard and fast reasons that will make it harder for them to say no.

Best Answer

It should not be a major deal for them to upgrade the .NET framework version because it is not going to affect what you already have there (such as 2.0 apps). It will also enable you to develop new applications in the updated framework so that things like LINQ and better ASP.NET AJAX is built in.

Talking about convincing them to upgrade actual applications to the 3.5 framework is a different story altogether and you will need to do some sort of cost-benefit analysis on upgrading your applications to convince them (if this is in fact what you were looking for).