How to diagnose IIS fatal communication error problem


I've a a customer using IIS and an application, developed by us, in ASP.NET 1.1.
Monday, for 4 times in a row the following error has appeared:

A process serving application pool 'xxxx' suffered a fatal communication error with the World Wide Web Publishing Service. The process id was 'yyyy'. The data field contains the error number.

Any idea about how to diagnose this? The only link I've found talks about installing low level debug tools but before proceeding in this kind of low level analysis I would know if someone has a better idea or a suitable alternative.

The problem (from what I can see) is something in the customer environment, because the same application it's installed at other customer sites on at least 20 or 30 different servers and the problem do not happen.

Best Answer

Had the same issue on IIS 7, had few reports all worked except one report that was very long and it never worked on IIS7 (it was fine on low spec server).

on IIS7 in application pool's Advance Setting I set "Enable 32-Bit Application" to true and all worked nicely