Asp – How to extract localized string resources for translation


I have several Visual Studio 2008 projects (ASP.NET 3.5) with many local resource files for localization of strings found in specific ASP.NET pages. Some of them are grouped in folders, some are named based on the page they are localizing, etc.

For example, App_LocalResources folder has a list of .resx files matching ASPX pages, UserControls/App_LocalResources matching ASCX user controls, etc.

Now I need to translate the application to another language and I would like to send all those keys for translation to someone who doesn't have access to the Visual Studio projects.

I could always write a small console app which would recursively find all .resx files and combine them to one big custom XML file which I could then send for translation. Upon receiving the translated XML file, the console app would recreate all small .resx files.

This all isn't a problem, but there must be a better way. What would you suggest, how should I do it?

Best Answer

I'm currently adding .NET support to appTranslator to .NET. The tool helps you easily manage translations of your resources by letting translators work on a single localization project file and creating the satellite DLLs right-away from the translations. I'll let you know when it's ready.