– How to Unit Test JsonResult and Collections in MSTest testing

I am very new to unit testing even though i have been coding for a very long time. I want to make this a part of my way of development. I run into blocks on how to unit test things like a collection. I generally have my jQuery script calling ASP.Net Server side methods to get data and populate tables and the like. They look like


which generally returns a JsonResult. Any ideas on what and how to test these using Unit tests using MSTest?

Best Answer

You should be able to test this just like anything else, provided you can extract the values from the JsonResult. Here's a helper that will do that for you:

private T GetValueFromJsonResult<T>(JsonResult jsonResult, string propertyName)
    var property =
        .Where(p => string.Compare(p.Name, propertyName) == 0)

    if (null == property)
        throw new ArgumentException("propertyName not found", "propertyName");
    return (T)property.GetValue(jsonResult.Data, null);

Then call your controller as usual, and test the result using that helper.

var jsonResult = yourController.YourAction(params);
bool testValue = GetValueFromJsonResult<bool>(jsonResult, "PropertyName");