IIS 8.0 ASP.NET and Error 500.19


I can't seem to get any ASP.NET sites to run under IIS8 on Windows 8. Under IIS Express they are fine, but I've:

  1. Installed IIS8
  2. Installed ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.5 features in IIS
  3. Created a valid application pool
  4. Added a new Application in IIS manager pointing to my site

But I get:
HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

Config Source:

Any ideas?

Best Answer

ASP.Net applications come pre-wired with a handlers section in the web.config.

By default, this is set to readonly within feature delegation within IIS.

Take a look in IIS Manager, under the Server nameFeature delegation. If Handler Mappings is set to readonly and your site web.configs have a handlers section, flip the value to read/write and see what happens.

Worked for me when moving to Windows 8 / IIS 8 / ASP.Net MVC 4.