Asp – IIS Service Unavailable when changing ASP.Net version


When I change the ASP.Net version of a web application in IIS 6 from ASP.Net 1.1 to 2.0. ALL sites in IIS are becoming "unavailable" (Service Unavailable) for a brief moment (the time it takes to apply the changes in the IIS dialog).

I checked with Application Pools, but the sites are all in different application pools…

How can this be?

When I change the ASP.Net version of one application, this should not affect other applications does it?

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

The .Net tab in the IIS Manager is actually pretty dangerous - it will throw an IISReset at any change, and also sometimes just for spite :-)

Scott Forsyth has a blog article titled ASP.NET tab in IIS, more dangerous than it first appears! that goes over the details.