Asp – need to copy files on client system, is thr any possible way

I m developin an Online Examination System in and want to copy files on client machine as soon as exam starts, so that even if internet gets disconnected examinee can continue with test

Best Answer

You may wish to consider a client server solution, such as WPF or winforms as this is more suited to this type of development. You can use one click deployment to have this still launched from the web and updated on every run.

If you do decied to use this will result in a very javascript heavy site with a very slow load in the first page.

To do this you would load all your test qustions into a javascript datastructure on the first page, when every the user when to the next page you would need to, using javascript, collect all the answers and store in javascript. then rereender the entire page using your definitions of the test in javascript with no trip back to the server. then once the test was complete you would need to send your results back to the server, the internet must be active once you've compleated the test.