Asp – .NET AJAX 1.0 Aysc Callback Modifies Form Action When Server.Transfer is Used

I have a web form that I am attempting to implement dynamic drop down lists on using the .NET AJAX 1.0 extensions. I have successfully implemented the needed bits, but have an interesting quirk.

When I select a value from my first drop down list, my call back happens and my page is updated correctly. The next value I select, I receive the following error:

An unknown error occurred while
processing the request on the server.
The status code returned was: 404

Reguarless of what control I use first, the first request works and the second does not. Looking at my IIS logs, I see the following lines:

2008-10-17 14:52:14 W3SVC1
80 – 200 0 0

14:52:20 W3SVC1 POST
80 – 404 0 0

As you can see my post URL has completely changed. Using Fiddler to watch the request/response, I can see this in the response from the server:


This is simply the name of the page that is being executed, the relative path and query string has been dropped off.

I can resolve this issue by adding the following to the end of my Async callback method:

this.Form1.Action = Request.Url.PathAndQuery

But this seems incredibly lame and smells somewhat like moldy cheese to me. Can any one point me in the right direction?

UPDATE: Upon further inspection I discovered that NewPlannedService.aspx was not the original executing page. Page1.aspx was executing and then called Server.Transfer("/folder/NewPlannedService.aspx"). So the URI in the browser was, but the actual page that was executing was

Best Answer

To solve this issue, I created a javascript file called Ajax.Server.Transfer.Fixer.js with the following code:

var orginalFormAction = null;

//capture the current form action value
function BeginRequestHandler() {
  orginalFormAction = theForm.action;

//set the form action value back to the
//correct value
function EndRequestHandler() {
  theForm.action = orginalFormAction;
  theForm._initialAction = orginalFormAction;

function RegisterRequestHandlers() {

  if (typeof (Sys) != "undefined") {



//register request handlers after the application 
//has successfully loaded.

Then added the following line to my Page_Load event:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        new ScriptReference("~/Script/Ajax.Server.Transfer.Fixer.js")
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