ASP.NET Custom Server Control not persisting ViewState


I have created a custom Server control that processes some data, stores that data to ViewState, and then renders itself from that data. I am using the debugger and can physically see the data getting set to ViewState:

public string RawData
            string result = null;

            if (ViewState["RawData"] != null)
                result = ViewState["RawData"].ToString();

            return result;                
            ViewState["RawData"] = value;

However, after postback the ViewState value is not persisted, and it is null. Why is this happening? Where can I look to try to troubleshoot? I can tell that the ViewState hidden field length has increased since using this approach.

Thanks in advance!

Here is my Render method to see where I am setting the ViewState:

    protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        if (this.RawData == null)
            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();


            this.RawData = content.ToString();


Best Answer

One possible source of error would be if you are setting Viewstate Values during the OnInit event. ViewState is only stored after "TrackViewState" is called.

Maybe you are "to early". Or "too late" if you set your Data during Render.

EDIT: Your are changing your value during "Render" - that's too late! During Render the ViewState is already written to the HTML Stream. Try to move your code to OnPreRender()

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