ASP.Net error: “The identity of application pool is invalid”

My ASP.Net web service cannot run because the application pool is unable to start due to the identity crisis it's experiencing.

The user I'm using in the app pool is a domain user, it's a local admin, it's in IIS_WPG, I've given it "act as part of the OS permissions" – nothing. Nada. Fails to start the application pool each time.

Adding the user to IIS_WPG is usually what's missing, but I guess there's something else.

Things I've tried:

  • Adding user to IIS_WPG
  • Adding user to local admin group and adding the "Act as part of the os" right.
  • aspnet_regiis -ga
  • rebooting…
  • Checked password
  • Recreated the app pool and assigning only my application to it

If I use the Network Service user it all works – it's just my "custom" user that's failing. Logging in (interactively) with this user works.


The solution is as described in the accepted answer (adding the "Log on as Service" right to the application pool's identity user).

I'll just add, for future reference, for those encountering the following message when trying to add the "Log on as a service" right to a domain user:

"This setting is not compatible with
computers running Windows 2000 Service
Pack 1 or earlier…."

Know that this has nothing to do with Windows 2000 and it's just the domain's group policy that's preventing you from assigning this right to the user.

Best Answer

Have you enabled "Log on as a service" for the account?

Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a service

(make sure your account is in this list directly or indirectly; it has also been suggested that you should set: Access this computer from the network; Deny logon locally; Log on as a batch job)

Also - ensure that the account has "Read & Execute", "List Folder Contents" and "Read" access to the file system that underpins the web site/application.

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