ASP.NET localization–where are the international resource strings


I just started working on a new International project. All strings in the markup of ASPX pages are instead System.Web.UI.WebControls.Localize controls with "meta:resourcekey=" attributes. In the web root there's a App_LocalResources and in a App_GlobalResources, but the strings in all resource files are all English.

Where is the web site getting the International language-strings? Is there some built-in translator for ASP.NET? Where should I look to see the unicode foreign language characters?

Best Answer

There is no built in translator.

You should see resource files for each .aspx page in the App_LocalResources folder. For each .aspx file, there will be multiple resources files, one for each translation, with different file names like:


etc. etc. Each file contains the translation for the culture given in the filename.

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