Asp.Net MVC Bundle not using existing .min.js

I am using Asp.Net MVC 4 and the built in bundling support. In BundleConfig.cs I have the default jquery addition in the RegisterBundles method:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

I also have both jquery-1.8.0.js and jquery-1.8.0.min.js included in my project.

Everything works fine when debugging, but when I set debug="false" to test the bundling, it appears that it is minifying the default jquery file instead of using the already existing minified version. When I view the 'min' version of jquery in my project, it includes a small comment at the top and the first method definition is function(a,b). When I view the output in my browser the comment is missing and the first method definition is different.

Has anyone else seen this problem? How can I get the bundling mechanism to use the existing .min file and not re-minify?

Best Answer

This can by set by setting the attribute usePreMinifiedFiles to true in the web.config

<core enableTracing="false" ...>
     <js defaultMinifier="EdwardsJsMinifier" usePreMinifiedFiles="true">