– How to Properly Test Controllers in MVC that has database calls testing

I am working on an MVC 3.0 Application. I am using MSTest along with Moq for unit testing. I have written all the test methods for my controllers and ran those tests , which gave successful results.

Now, I have a doubt whether I have properly made unit testing. Because, almost most of my controller actions contains database calls.

I am not mocking them , I am mocking only Session and Request objects using Moq.

Is it really necessary to mock database calls, since unit testing means testing a single unit of code? I think unit testing controller with database calls violates above statement.

If it is so, can any one explain me how to mock database calls? I am not using any Entity Framework.


  public void AjaxSave(Model m)
   m.update(); // Database call

Best Answer

You should extract code which makes database calls into separate object (take a look on Single Responsibility Principle). E.g. you have controller

public class PersonController : Controller
     public ActionResult Index()
         var connectionString = 
         using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
             string sql = "SELECT Name FROM People";
             var command = connection.CreateCommand(sql);
             var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
             List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
                 Person p = new Person();
                 p.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();

             return View(people);

Extract data-access code into separate class (usually such classes called repositories):

public class PersonRepository : IPersonRepository
     public List<Person> GetAllPeople()
         var connectionString = 
         using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
             string sql = "SELECT Name FROM People";
             var command = connection.CreateCommand(sql);
             var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
             List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
                 Person p = new Person();
                 p.Name = reader["Name"].ToString();

             return people;

As you already notices I declared abstraction which is implemented by data-access class:

public interface IPersonRepository
    List<Person> GetAllPeople();
    // other data access API will go here

Make controller depend on this abstraction (it's important - abstraction is easy to mock):

public class PersonController : Controller
     private IPersonRepository _personRepository;

     public PersonController(IPersonRepository personRepository)
         _personRepository = personRepository;

     public ActionResult Index()
         var people = _personRepository.GetAllPeople();
         return View(people);             

Then inject repository implementation into controller (Dependency Injection in .NET) and mock it for tests:

var repositoryMock = new Mock<IPersonRepository>();
var people = new List<People>(); // provide some sample list 
repositoryMock.Setup(r => r.GetAllPeople()).Return(people);
var controller = new PersonController(repositoryMock.Object);

var result = (ViewResult)controller.Index();
// Assert here
Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewName, "Index");
Assert.AreEqual(result.Model, people);