– I’m needing a beginner’s guide on how to set up SSRS from the very beginning for an ASP.NET app

I'm pretty familiar with ASP.NET, and am currently writing an MVC app in ASP.NET.
I'm at the point where I need to integrate reports into my application.
The option I chose to go with (and I'm flexible on this) is SSRS.
I have zero experience in SSRS and it seems that there are a LOT of steps involved in getting that set up, from installing the Report Server, configuring the Report Server, creating a report project in Business Intelligence Development Studio, and publishing the report to the Report Server. I might have done something wrong in the process since I wasn't sure about half of the configuration settings with Report Server. Can anyone guide me to a "tutorial" on how to:

1.) Set up and install SSRS properly. I'm using SQL Server 2008. (Not R2).

2.) Creating and publishing a report to the Report Server.

3.) Being able to access this report from my ASP.NET web application.

I appreciate any responses!! Thanks!!


Best Answer

There are 3 parts to this.

a) Creating a report:

You can install the Reporting Services components into (or BIDS as is called by Microsoft in this instance), from here you can connect to a datasource, design, create and preview reports - all from the comfort of your machine. There are even wizards to help you get up and started. You will see these under a new section in the "create new project" dialog called "business intelligence"

What this essentially does is to create a report file (an XML file with an .RDL extension) and a datasource file (.RDS extension)

b) Using the report:

You will need to install the RS components on a server. RS is accessed via http(s) and needs a SQL Server db to store information about the reports. They can both reside on the same box.

The tool for managing the RS site is called 'report manager' and is a web based tool. http://localhost/reports

Once you have this set up (including security), simply deploy your report from step 1 and you're good to go - you can do this by simply 'right clicking/ deploy' on your new report in

c) At this point you'll have a good understanding of how it all works so adding the report viewer control to your app will be simple.