– Implement HTTPS On MVC Web Application

I have a web app (ASP.NET MVC4) and I need to enable HTTPS/SSL to it.

I checked a lot of articles and tutorials on how to do it, but I didn't get one thing:

Some places talks only about the configuration of IIS :

  1. RapidSSL:

  1. Nice blog:

And some places talks only about code (within the app):

  1. TrailMax:

So my question is how I need to approach this topic?

I want to enable the HTTPS with a temporary self-signed certificate and then buy a real certificate, what do I need to do? Configure IIS? Configure my code? Both?

If someone could guide me through this.

Thank you

Best Answer

  1. The first article describes how to install a new rapidSSL certificate
  2. The second describes how to install a self-signed certificate (not signed with any trusted certificate authority, mainly used for testing purposes) - you want to do this
  3. The last article describes what to do if you want to restrict your mvc website only to https (http requests will ben not possible then). Steps 1 or 2 must be completed before you start to work on this. It depends on your requirements if you need to restrict your site only to https.