– MVC in Visual Studio Express studio 2010visual-studio-express

I got Visual Studio 2010 Express C# Edition. I'm using WinXP as OS.

How do I get ASP.Net MVC in it? I saw another question that stated that MVC was included automatically, but I cannot find it anywhere. I've also tried by installing MVC3 RC2. Didn't show up either.

Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?

(I've also got VS 2008 Professional on the same computer)


I needed the Visual Studio Web Developer Edition to get MVC2.

But how do I get MVC3?

Edit 2

I have XP Home edition which is not supported by web platform installer since IIS is not included. I guess that's why MVC3 wont install in Visual Studio 2010 Express (although it installed fine on my computer which is a bit strange)

Best Answer

Isn't it possible to use MVC with Express edition?

Sure is. I installed VS2010 web express edition and when I choose New Project then it shows the MVC2 web application and empty web application project template. Last week I also installed MVC3 RC via the web platform installer and that shows up too.