– MVC on Server 2008 R2 – How

I have a new WIndows Server 2008 R2 x64 DataCentre with Framework 3.5 SP1 and Framework 4 installed. When I install my MVC application (VS 2008 MVC 2.0 using a Web Setup project installer) and browse to the application I get an error that System.Web.Mvc cannot be found. If I copy the relevant DLLs (System.Web.Mvc etc)into the bin directory the app runs up perfectly.

I have checked everywhere for an installer but can only find the VS2008 related bits, no server runtime. How do I get ASP.Net MVC installed in this environment so that we don't have to Copy Local the dlls?

Many thanks

Best Answer

You could do a server install which doesn't require Visual Studio installed:

msiexec /i AspNetMVC2.msi /l*v .\mvc.log MVC_SERVER_INSTALL="YES"

Now you are probably asking where's this AspNetMVC2.msi coming from. Actually you download AspNetMVC2_VS2008.exe from here, rename the .exe to .zip and inside you'll find what you are looking for (in the mvcruntime sub-folder).