– MVC ViewData Model null after Post-back to Controller Action

I have a simple MVC 4 (Beta) Application and just observed something that I assume may be handled differently. In this case, when the below Product Action is called a Model is created and assigned to ViewData for use in the View. This all works fine, the Model property is not-null, and the Views use of the Model property works.

public ActionResult Product()
    return ExecuteFormRequest(View(), true, delegate
        var model = Request.ParseFromQueryString<Product>();

        if (model != null)
            ViewData.Model = model;

        return View();

When the Product is updated and Post'ed back to the Controller all the data looks fine, but if the product fails validation and I return the View ActionResult (as shown below) the View encounters a null reference exception because the Views Model property is now null

public ActionResult Product(Product product)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return View();

    // Do other business stuff and target new or same View    

    return View();

This is the line in the View that leads to a null reference exception, because the Model Property is now null.

@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.MyValue)) {}

The way I resolved this was to reset the Model Property (as shown below). This seems wrong to me and I'm wondering if I'm approaching this all wrong. Any ideas welcome?

public ActionResult Product(Product product)
    if (product!= null)
        ViewData.Model = product;

    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return View();

    // Do other business stuff and target new or same View    

    return View();

Best Answer

If you have a strongly typed viewmodel, why are you using viewdata? try this:

public ActionResult Product()
    return ExecuteFormRequest(View(), true, delegate
        var model = Request.ParseFromQueryString<Product>();

        //if (model != null)
        //    ViewData.Model = model;

        //return View();
        return View(model);

public ActionResult Product(Product product)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        //return View();
        return View(product);

    // Do other business stuff and target new or same View    

    //return View();
    return View(product);

The reason you are seeing the behavior with your approach is because HTTP is stateless. Unlike webforms, MVC does not reconstitute all of your variables after a post. Each action method starts out with a new ViewData dictionary.

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