mvc3 razor with multiple submit buttons

I'm using MVC3 Razor. I have 2 submit buttons setup on my view but the problem I'm having is that both submit buttons cause the validation of the model. I want to hook up individual submit buttons with specific input controls for validation.

Best Answer

I know this is a few months old but the solutions here seemed needlessly complex and there's no accepted answer yet. If you name your inputs the same but give them different values, you can get that value in your controller just by including a string with the name of the input as a variable. This is how I solved this problem:


 <input type="submit" id="EnterprisePush" name="btnSubmit" value="Push" />
 <input type="submit" id="EnterprisePull" name="btnSubmit" value="Pull" />


public ActionResult EnterpriseAdmin(int id, string btnSubmit, FormCollection collection)
  switch (btnSubmit) {
    case "Push":
      /* Do Something here */
    case "Pull":
      /* Do Something else here */