– Asp.NET Web API – 405 – HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed – how to set handler mappings

I wrote REST service using ASP.NET Web API.
I'm trying to send HttpDelete request, however I get the following error:

405 – HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

I think I'm close to the solution, I found out that I should enable IIS remote management , go to Handler Mappings section and add DELETE verb to the appropriate position…
but the problem is that there is a lots of different positions on the list…
(sth like here:

Which one should I edit?
Few of them don't have extension, e.g. "ExtensionUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" and I added DELETE verb to it, but it still doesn't work…

It was just a shot in the dark to modify that one, so should I modify different position? If so, which one? Or maybe is there anything more what I should do?

The same web service work perfectly fine on my local service, so I guess the problem is with the remote IIS…


Best Answer

You don't need to uninstall WebDAV, just add these lines to the web.config:

    <remove name="WebDAVModule" />
    <remove name="WebDAV" />