ASP.NET Windows Authentication Not Working/Not Accepting Credentials


I've been trying to resolve this question for a couple weeks now via Google and reading SO, and not had much luck, so I thought I'd finally try asking myself.

I'm setting up a very, very simple ASP.NET site on our intranet to generate some information for internal users. I'm using Windows authentication, rather than anonymous access, because based on what user hits the site I will be generating different information.

Long story short, this works perfectly in testing on my local Windows 7 machine where I developed the application. However, from the Windows 2008 R2 server where I want it to reside, when I hit the site I get a pop-up asking for my credentials, and even if I enter them it asks me for them again and again. This happens regardless if I'm hitting the site remotely or locally. If I try using anonymous access I can reach the site both ways but as I cannot identify the user I cannot generate the information I would like to provide.


  1. In IIS, I have Windows Authentication and ASP.NET Impersonation
    enabled for the site. Everything else is disabled.

  2. For the sake of figuring it out, I currently have the web.config set to allow all users and am not denying any.

  3. The host/URL I'm using for it is toolName.organization.local
  4. I was concerned that it was an issue of the 2008 R2 server admin user residing in a different domain then my remote user that I was testing with but again it does not work locally either.
  5. In the AppHost file, I currently have windowsAuthentication enabled.

                <windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
                    <add value="Negotiate" />
                    <add value="NTLM" />

Admittedly, I typically use forms authentication on this server for all of our other internal sites so I'm a bit new to windows authentication and this issue. At this point I'm just not sure what to try or check next, so any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

Best Answer

I know this is a slightly old topic, but I had this exact same problem. Turns out I had the AppPool using Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity instead of NetworkService. Once I switched that (under Advanced Settings in IIS7.5) I no longer got the server prompting for additional credentials and the pass-through worked perfectly.

Hope that helps!