Asp – Object of type ‘System.UInt16’ cannot be converted to type ‘System.Int16’

Why I'm having this error "Object of type 'System.UInt16' cannot be converted to type 'System.Int16" when I'm trying to run below code

 public ActionResult List()
     var x = account.All();
     return View(x);

The errors showed up, when it's try to iterate my model in my List.aspx file (below code).

  <% foreach (var item in Model) { %>

I'm using Subsonic 3.0.3 and MySQL database. Below is my account table descriptions

acc_id          smallint(5)        unsigned pri
acc_type        smallint(5)        unsigned
acc_status      tinyint(3)         unsigned
acc_balance     int(11)            unsigned

Do I have to modify something in MySQL.ttinclude to make this thing work?

Best Answer

Without knowing what account.All() or View(x) do, that's pretty hard to know. It would have helped if you'd used explicit typing for x as well.

My guess is that something's unboxing to short instead of ushort, but we can't really tell from just that bit of code. I assume this is an exception rather than a compile-time error? More information please!