Asp – Why is the web application seeing latency


We have an ASP.Net app, that behaves strangely under IIS6. The app itself is straightforward ASP.Net 2.0 Webforms deal, nothing too weird is going on in there (there are couple HTTP Modules in the pipeline, but I wouldn't consider those weird 🙂 ). The thing I don't understand is the page execution times, or, more specifically, the difference between the time reported by ASP.Net tracing (trace.axd) and observed by the client (Fiddler). When the app is run on developer's box (WinXP, IIS5.1), the times reported by ASP.Net and Fiddler are very close:

Page exec time             :  0.0919834
Fiddler Total Sequence time:  0.1560980 

I can understand 60ms being spent getting 5KB worth of data from IIS to Fiddler (both of which run on the same machine, BTW). Now, when we move the code to the server (Win2k3, IIS6), the picture changes dramatically:

Page exec time             :  0.1702014
Fiddler Total Sequence time:  0.5156283 

This is same page, and Fiddler is again running on the same machine with the code. Why does it suddenly take 350ms to deliver the same 5KB?

PS. On both machines the results are obtained by accessing the URL via the actual machine's hostname, e.g. http://machinename/app/page.aspx (as opposed to http://localhost/app/page.aspx).

PPS. Configuration-wise, the setups of a dev box and the server are as close as we could make them — both use the exact same web.config. Both hit the DB (sql server) with integrated auth, and, consequently, the app runs under a domain account. The app uses forms authentication, and does NOT impersonate (i.e. it always runs under the same account). Now, the way this works on IIS5 is different from IIS6 — on IIS5 the account is specified in tag in the machine.config, and on IIS6 it's the AppPool setting. The setup seems pretty typical for both environments, and I can't imagine it causing 350ms delays…

Best Answer

After expending one of the precious few support incidents we've got with our MSDN subscription, I finally know the correct answer to "where is all this time spent" question. In short, the time is spent in HTTP modules we have in our pipeline. The time measurements reported by ASP.Net trace.axd record only the time spent in the .aspx page itself, modules are NOT included.

One easy way to ascertain this (and see how long does every module take to do its thing) is to use the ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). Here is the explanation (I strongly suspect that this post was written after they looked at our case :)) One thing I can add to the excellent description above is that I used the SvcTraceViewer instead of LogParser to analyze the trace output.

Update: the above approach also works on Windows Server 2008, just make sure that you have Tracing installed.