Asp – Windows authentication. User gets prompted – ASP.NET

I have the following settings:


Authentication Mode = "Windows"

Virtual Directory
-> Enable anonymous access – UNCHECKED
-> Integrated Windows authentication – CHECKED

When a user goes to the default page on the intranet, he gets prompted to enter the user name and password even though he has already been authenticated

To clarify what I am doing
– We have an application that is set to
windows authentication = forms
– There was a request that for certain servers in the intranet, we would want to bypass the login.aspx page
– All that the login.aspx page does is, grabs the windows username, checks the database, gets the forms username and password and lets the user log in
– I am using User.Identity.Name to get the windows user name to do a mapping


Best Answer

Also make sure that when you are viewing the site in Internet Explorer that the zone in the status bar says "Intranet Zone". Otherwise it won't log you in by default.