XML selectNodes using Classic ASP


XML problem that's got me stumped, but is probably very simple…

The XML is like:

    <createdOn>16 Sep 2009</createdOn>
                                    <street>High St</street>
                                            <type>sq. mt</type>
                                            <bullet>No Of Bedrooms : 2</bullet>
                                            <bullet>Condition : Habitable</bullet>
                                            <bullet>Land Size (M2): 2,000</bullet>

And the code I would like to use is:

    Set NodeList = objXML.documentElement.selectNodes("agents/agent/properties/property")
For Each Node In NodeList
    'I want to be able to extract distinct fields here...
    response.write Node.selectSingleNode("address/street") & "<br/>"
    response.write Node.selectSingleNode("description/briefDescription") & "<br/>"

But, I don't know how.

ALso, this could be a problem with, for example, the <images> and <links> tags.

Suggestions please?

Best Answer

The code I'm using is:

Set NodeList = objXML.documentElement.selectNodes("agents/agent/properties/property")
For Each Node In NodeList
    Set AddrNode = Node.selectSingleNode("address/street/text()")
    if not AddrNode Is Nothing then response.write AddrNode.nodeValue & "<br/>"
    set AddrNode = nothing

    Set AddrNode = Node.selectSingleNode("address/region/text()")
    if not AddrNode Is Nothing then response.write AddrNode.nodeValue & "<br/>"
    set AddrNode = nothing

    For Each ImgNode In Node.selectNodes("images/image")
        Set ThNode = ImgNode.selectSingleNode("thumbnail/text()")
        if not ThNode Is Nothing then response.write ThNode.nodeValue & "<br/>"
        set ThNode = nothing
        Set ThNode = ImgNode.selectSingleNode("image/text()")
        if not ThNode Is Nothing then response.write ThNode.nodeValue & "<br/>"
        set ThNode = nothing
        Set ThNode = ImgNode.selectSingleNode("alttext/text()")
        if not ThNode Is Nothing then response.write ThNode.nodeValue & "<br/>"
        set ThNode = nothing

I hope someone else finds its useful!