Azure Functions timeout for Consumption plan


Is there a way to change the current 5 minutes timeout limit for Azure Functions running under the Consumption plan ?

For some data analytics computations 5 minutes is not enough time.

The alternative of using webjobs doesn't allow parallel execution of the function.

Best Answer

(Other answer is a bit confusing, so writing instead of editing a lot)

Azure Functions can now run up to 10 minutes using the consumption plan by adding the functionTimeout setting to your host.json file:

In a serverless Consumption plan, the valid range is from 1 second to 10 minutes, and the default value is 5 minutes.

In both Premium and Dedicated (App Service) plans, there is no overall limit, and the default value is 30 minutes. A value of -1 indicates unbounded execution, but keeping a fixed upper bound is recommended


File: host.json

// Value indicating the timeout duration for all functions.
// Set functionTimeout to 10 minutes
    "functionTimeout": "00:10:00"


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