Azure WebJobs Connection Strings configuration ( AzureWebJobsDashboard?? )


I'm trying to work with Azure Webjobs, I understand the way its works but I don't understand why I need to use two connection strings, one is for the queue for holding the messages but

  1. why there is another one called "AzureWebJobsDashboard" ?

  2. What its purpose?

  3. And where I get this connection string from ?

At the moment I have one Web App and one Webjob at the same solution, I'm experiment only locally ( without publishing anything ), the one thing I got up in the cloud is the Storage account that holds the queue.

I even try to put the same connection string in both places ( AzureWebJobsDashboard,AzureWebJobsStorage) but its throw exception :
"Cannot bind parameter 'log' when using this trigger."

Thank you.

Best Answer

There are two connection strings because the WebJobs SDK writes some logs in the storage account. It gives you the possibility of having one storage account just for data (AzureWebJobsStorage) and the another one for logs (AzureWebJobsDashboard). They can be the same. Also, you need two of them because you can have multiple job hosts using different data accounts but sending logs to the same dashboard.

The error you are getting is not related to the connection strings but to one of the functions in your code. One of them has a log parameter that is not of the right type. Can you share the code?

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