Backbone.js fire event on .remove()


I need to fire a function when a Backbone.js view is removed. I guess something like a de-constructor. The code below is a snippet I wrote; I know it won't work. However, I do remember seeing in the past a video tutorial on how to write a function that does this. The reason I need to run a de-constructing function is to clear the interval set inside a view when the view is removed.

ViewWeather = Backbone.View.extend({
      interval: setInterval(function() {console.log('interval fire');}, 1000),

      // made up function
      deconstructor: function () {
            // if the view is removed


var viewweather = new ViewWeather();

Best Answer

This blog post should give you some better info

most notable parts

Backbone.View.prototype.close = function(){
  if (this.onClose){

and then

MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
  initialize: function(){
    this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
  render: function(){ ... },

  onClose: function(){
    this.model.unbind("change", this.render);
