Bash – Spawning an interactive telnet session from a shell script


I'm trying to write a script to allow me to log in to a console servers 48 ports so that I can quickly determine what devices are connected to each serial line.

Essentially I want to be able to have a script that, given a list of hosts/ports, telnets to the first device in the list and leaves me in interactive mode so that I can log in and confirm the device, then when I close the telnet session, connects to the next session in the list.

The problem I'm facing is that if I start a telnet session from within an executable bash script, the session terminates immediately, rather than waiting for input.

For example, given the following code:

$ cat ./

while read line
        telnet $line

When I run the command 'echo "hostname" |' I receive the following output:

$ echo "testhost" | ./
Connected to testhost (
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Does anyone know of a way to stop the telnet session being closed automatically?

Best Answer

You need to redirect the Terminal input to the telnet process. This should be /dev/tty. So your script will look something like:


for HOST in `cat`
  echo Connecting to $HOST...
  telnet $HOST </dev/tty