BAT-file: variable contents as part of another variable


Suppose i have variable a with contents "123" and variable b123 with some text in it. For some reason i want to use variable a as part of second var name. Something like this:

SET a=123
SET b123=some_text_in_it
rem i want next line to output  "some_text_in_it"
echo %b%a%%

so i want to concatenate text with var contents and use resulting string as variable name to echo that contents. Sample above doesn't work and i see why, probably i need to add some kind of groupping. How to do it, prefferably in one line?

Best Answer

There are two common ways for this
CALL or DelayedExpansion

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET a=123
SET b123=some_text_in_it
rem i want next line to output  "some_text_in_it"
call echo %%b%a%%%
echo !b%a%!

The CALL variant uses the fact, that a call will reparse the line a second time, first time only the %a% will be expanded and the double %% will be reduced to a single %
call echo %b123%
And in the second step the %b123% will be expanded.
But the CALL technic is slow and not very safe, so the DelayedExpansion should be prefered.

The DelayedExpansion works as the exclamation marks are expanded in a later parser phase than the expansion of the percents.
And that's also the cause, why delayed expansion is much safer.

Edit: Method for arrays containing numbers
If you are operating with arrays which contains only numbers you could also use set /a to access them.
That's much easier than the FOR or CALL technic and it works also in blocks.

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set arr[1]=17
set arr[2]=35
set arr[3]=77
  set idx=2
  set /a val=arr[!idx!]
  echo !var!