BIDS and SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services install

bidsreporting-servicessql-server-2008visual studio 2010visual-studio-2008

We would like to start using SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services in our company, but we are using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Database Engine on a standalone server and have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on our programming PCs.

From what I understand, we need Visual Studio 2008 for BIDS to install. Is it necessary that the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine AND Visual Studio 2008 be on THE SAME machine to install BIDS?

Can I use any of the Visual Studio 2008 Express versions?

Best Answer

Just to clarify, you don't need to install any version of Visual Studio 2008 before installing BIDS.

When you install the SQL Server 2008 R2 client tools on your PC, this will include a version of Visual Studio 2008 with the business intelligence components installed.

From memory the requirement for Visual Studio 2008 is due to an incompatibility between Visual Studio 2010 and the Integration Services project type.