Breaking MsBuild package & deploy into separate MsBuild and MsDeploy commands


I'm having a few problems breaking out an MsBuild package+deploy command into two separate commands. (I need to do this to pass additional parameters to MsDeploy).

The command that works fine looks like this:

msbuild "src\Solution.sln" 

The separated packaging command looks like this:

msbuild "src\Solution.sln" 

which works fine. But then the MsDeploy portion:


fails, with the following error in WmSvc.log

wmsvc.exe Error: 0 : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
setAcl/C:\temp\web (Read)
wmsvc.exe Error: 0 : Not authorized.
Details: No rule was found that could authorize user 'staging-deploy', 
         provider 'setAcl', operation 'Read', path 'C:\temp\web'.

(and several more Read/Write operations)

Something is clearly going wrong with the paths it's trying to access (as it works fine with the other method) – I'm not sure it's even trying to use the iisApp targeting correctly, and at the moment I don't think the correct web.config's will be deployed either.

Best Answer

I've got this fixed now - I needed a different command to the one the automatically generated .cmd file was using, but comparing the two allowed me to fix it up (thanks @Vishal R. Joshi)

The differences I needed was:

  • basic authentication
  • allow untrusted certificates
  • ?site=staging.webserver on the end of the MsBuild.axd path, as with my original command
  • override the IIS Web App name that is set in the params file
  • enable the do not delete rule

The winning command is as follows:

 -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value=''
 -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension 

Hope this helps someone!

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