C# – Accessibility with screen readers (ex. Jaws)


A colleague of mine came to me with a problem on one of his projects. Unable to help him, due to my lack of experience with screen readers and the technology, I turn to you, the proud and mighty mass of SO users.

Summary for the TLDR-folks:
Our Grids in UpdatePanels aren't working in screen-readers. Might be something with the AJAX toolkit?

Can anyone help or provide suggestions on what steps we might be able to take next?

Here is what I received from my colleague (the emphasis is mine, not his, hoping to improve scannability):

I’m presently working on accessibility
and I ran into some issues when it
came to pages using Ajax. I used
screen readers to test the page’s
accessibility. A screen reader
attempts to identify or interpret
what’s being displayed on the screen
with the help of audio
(text-to-speech) and then transmits
the information to the user. This is
very helpful for people who are blind,
visually impaired, illiterate or
learning disabled. Here’s a brief
summary of how a screen reader works.
The screen reader takes a snapshot of
the web page and places the content in
a virtual buffer. The screen reader
uses the virtual buffer to allow the
user to navigate through the content.
If the content is changed with
scripting, then this needs to be
relayed to the screen reader. Without
a mechanism to discover what has
changed, a screen reader user might
not be notified that the content has
changed at all, or only be notified
that the content has been changed, but
will be required to read the whole
document to discover exactly what has
changed. For testing, I used two
types of screen readers, Access To Go
3.0.76 and Jaws 10.0.

My findings while testing were that
on the pages that have a gridview
within an update panel
, a typical
search page for example, the screen
reader would read, as per usual, all
the information on the page before
searching (search criteria). Upon
pressing the search button, our
gridview containing the column headers
and the result set is generated. The
screen reader does not get the
information that would inform it that
new content has been written to the
page therefore silence is heard.
technique has been recommended by a
Microsoft employee that involves
inserting a hidden IFrame within the
update panel that would trigger the
screen reader to navigate to the
updated content and read it. The web
site explains how to achieve
accessibility only with the
UpdatePanel control. I’ve tested this
technique and had no success in making
it work. It renders an iframe but the
screen reader still doesn’t know about
an update to the page.

Our AjaxControlToolKit version is
1.0.11119.0 and does not provide ARIA
(Accessible Rich Internet
Applications) live region markup. Live
regions indicate that content changes
may occur without the element having
focus and provides the assistive
technology information on how to
process those content updates. The W3C
has recommended a semantic on how to
organize the content of a page,
basically giving a role to every
element on the page so that assistive
technologies can convey the
appropriate information to the user.
I’m not sure what this implies in
terms of where we are technologically.

Best Answer

AJAX webpages are not a problem for screen-readers, at least for Jaws, and that is about 2 years ago (I developed some web apps with lots of AJAX which worked great with Jaws).

Anyway, you should use good screen CSS layout, and HTML anchors for better accessibility (title, alt, tabindex, label).

Anyway, if you really worry about accessibility, you should load everything through an iframe and use a callback to update the parent (a little <script> tag which updates the parent container DIV with the iframe content). Have also a look at PORK.Iframe (http://schizofreend.nl/Pork.Iframe).

EDIT: There's good stuff there: Sitepoint article about AJAX and screenreaders

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