C# – Add reference to script task in ssis


The way I understand it, SSIS script tasks can't use a reference unless it's in the GAC.

With this assumption:

  • I've tried downloading the .net 2.0 sdk x64 (developing on 64 bit machine) that should have gacutil, still not there.
  • I've tried installing the dll using a console app using the System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish.GacInstall method. If it has installed it, I have no idea where becaues it's not in the available references in VS.

I can't copy it to assemblies because 'adminstrator rights' fails.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Nothing is straight forward.

to use 'gacutil' in the .net 2.0 sdk (located here) you have to open the sdk command prompt AND 'as administrator'

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