C# – Add Service Reference and Add Web Reference

cnetvisual studioweb serviceswindows-phone-7

I am trying to add web reference to web service (http://jira.atlassian.com/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl), however 'Add Web Reference' is greyed out in my VS. So i added the web service link as Add Service Reference, VS recognized the web service but now i am having issue with displaying right classes. (Note: The 'Add Web Reference is greyed out for Windows Phone project but it is not greyed out for regular Console Application). When i add web service as web reference, i get access to JiraSoapServiceService class. so i can do something like this:

//jiraWS is name of web service
jiraWS.JiraSoapServiceService jira = new JiraSoapServiceService(); 

However when i add web service as service reference, i cannot get access to JiraSoapServiceService class and i need to have access to this class, in order to make call to web methods.

Does anyone know how i can fix this?

Best Answer

When you click on Add Service Reference click on Advanced - then at the bottom of the Popup is an option to add a Web Reference :)