C# – Advice on writing Video Player for Windows Mobile


I wanted to develop a video player for Windows mobile using C#; can anyone direct me in correct direction to look for all the help I would be requiring in this topic. Please send me links and your comments in this direction. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Save yourself a lot of trouble and use the OpenNetCF Media Player Controls from http://www.opennetcf.com/Products/Controls/MediaPlayerControls/tabid/264/Default.aspx

The alternative is A LOT of pInvoke.

If you really, really must do this yourself and cannot use any third party libraries you will probably want to host media player as an activeX control. Details of how to do this at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446515.aspx.
Be warned. This is not straight forward. Use the built in media player or third party controls if you possibly can.

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