C# – Application settings error after changing target framework of project


In my application I am using user settings as explained here.
Then I realized that in VS 2010 I was using .NET 4.0 while only .NET 2.0 was sufficient.

When I changed the framework and build the project, in my code whenever I access setting now, I get the following error:

An error occurred creating the
configuration section handler for
Could not load file or assembly
'System, Version=,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or
one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified.
line 5)

It is for unknown reasons using version 4.0.
Please suggest what should I do.

Best Answer

Check out your app.config maybe you still have System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup or something of that sort of version 4 still lurking around, you will have to manually edit and get the relevant for version 2