C# – ASP.NET Core 3.0 – InProcess vs. OutOfProcess (HTTP Error 500.30 – ANCM In-Process Start Failure)


We migrated one of many ASP.Net Core 2.2 Apps to .NET Core 3.0. The application runs fine on the developer machine.

When I run it on the production server (IIS) I am keep getting HTTP Error 500.30. I tried to turn on stdout Log for more information but it only creates an empty folder without any logfiles. Also in the event log are no useful information about any errors.

However the application runs fine on the IIS when I run it OutOfProcess. Since our application is rather big and hard to track down any errors I created a default MVC web application without authentication.
I deployed this application on the same IIS server and I am getting the exact same behaviour – it runs OutOfProcess but failes with InProcess.

Has anyone a suggestion to resolve this issue? I also found several entries on github but didn't help.

Edit – Additional information

I created a folder publish profile in VS2019 with Release configuration, target framework netcoreapp3.0, deploymentMode: Framework-Dependent and TargetRuntime: win-x86.

On the IIS I've installed the ASP.NET Core/.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle.

Best Answer

I have faced a similar kind of issue. Below is the step which I follow to resolve the issue.

  1. In the server run the below command in the command prompt after going to the deployed folder

    dotnet project_name.dll

  2. It shows the actual error.

In my case, I forgot to create the folder which was mentioned in appsettings.json.

Hope it will help you to find the actual issue.