C# – ASP.NET How to 2 dynamically loaded user controls respond to each others events


Greetings All,
I have two ascx's loaded in the page-init event of an aspx page. Control 1 has a radio button list that I want a dropdown list on control 2 to respond to it's selectedIndex change. So far I call RaiseBubbleEvent on the SelectedIndexChange handler and I pass on a control reference and commandArgs. Then in the aspx I override OnBubbleEvent and I am able to receive the control reference and commandArgs. My question is how do I pass this information on to Control 2. The page is not aware of the controls as they are loaded dynamically and added to asp:PlaceHolders in the aspx. I need Control 2 to know which radio button was selected so I can change the datasource for the dropdown on control 2. Does anyone have any examples of something like this? Any pointers or tips would be appreciated.

~ck in San Diego

Best Answer

Well, Control 2 should really just be attaching to the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event of the other control. Is that not possible for some reason?