C# – ASP.NET MVC: How to handle cross-action TempData and ViewData


I'm trying to find a good way to handle the following scenario (I'm still kinda new to this):

A user can register through my site using an RPX/OpenId provider.

Step 1: The user authenticates through a provider. The provider returns a temporary token to one of my action methods.

Step 2: I use the token to grab the user's profile information and load a view which allows them to enter any missing required fields and optional fields.

I use 2 action methods in Step 2: One to handle the grabbing of information using the token. A second action which takes the authorization information and loads the missing/optional fields view.

I am passing the authorization info via TempData to the second action. The second action can handle validation so there's a chance I will need to hold on to the authorization object for more than just 1 request. I can't use the token to regenerate the authorization info because it's technically a one-use token, and it would be silly to regenerate the request since it is using network resources.

How could I persist the objects in my TempData for any subsequent requests to the same action, but remove the objects for any redirects? And since this may be a repeatable pattern in my application should I create a Filter to automatically handle this situation?

For example, I imagine a filter attribute which will merge TempData (if any) into ViewData – But how would I persist my data into future calls to the same action? Throw it into TempData again? And if I detect a redirect empty the TempData?


Best Answer

I ended up re-adding the data to TempData if necessary. Since TempData does not allow you to add duplicate keys I created my own helper method to remove and then re-add the key:

public static void AddNew(this TempDataDictionary tempData, string key, object obj)
    if ( tempData.ContainsKey( key ) ) tempData.Remove( key );

    tempData.Add( key, obj );