C# – ASPX can’t seem to find the code behind files


For whatever reason my .aspx will only recognize the code behind when the Page directive is using CodeFile and not CodeBehind. Also, it gives a parser error on runtime. But I need CodeBehind to publish the site.

  • Every other page in the web application uses CodeBehind.
  • I've tried deleting and recreating the file, even leaving it empty, still an error.
  • I've tried deleting the designer file and converting the .aspx to a web application.
  • The page directive references (namespace, class) are correct.
  • Tried deleting the obj.
  • Tried cleaning and rebuilding.

I'm out options here. Everything I've googled so far hasn't panned out. Why can't CodeBehind be used?!


<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/App/Masters/Default.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="BlogPost.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication.App.Templates.BlogPost" %>


namespace WebApplication.App.Templates
    public partial class BlogPost : BaseTemplate

Best Answer

Maybe your .csproj file was corrupted somehow?

Check to see that the entry for your file(s) look like this in your project file:

<Compile Include="BlogPost.aspx.cs">
<Compile Include="BlogPost.aspx.designer.cs">
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