C# – automatic login to facebook


I'm creating a desktop application in C#.
one of the things that this application should do is to publish things to the status of the user in facebook (like: "dave just won 3 gold medals" ). this should happen whether the user is logged in now to facebook or not. I want the user to give me all the needed permissions once and then everything would happen automatically (I would save whatever is needed on my DB).
I tried using facebook developer toolkit 2.0 for .net but didn't see anything there that could help me.
ANY help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

For you question: you need to use the Facebook Connect API

  • there is a Feature called offline_access - its an extended permission.
  • In FB Connect you need to toggle the correct popup :
  • The workflow will be like that:
    • User uses FB Connect to confirm the fact he wants to connect your app to his facebook account.
    • You trigger the popup.
    • You can then call all calls on his permission even if he is offline (or not using facebook connect)

For the sake of understanding: FB Connect is meant that way that you can easily log the user into his app and do everything on his behalf. offline_access is actually meant for cronjob work.