C# – Avoid enabling MSDTC when using TransactionScope


[Using: C# 3.5 + SQL Server 2005]

I have some code in the Business Layer that wraps in a TransactionScope the creation of an order and its details:

        DAL.DAL_OrdenDeCompra dalOrdenDeCompra = new GOA.DAL.DAL_OrdenDeCompra();
        DAL.DAL_ItemDeUnaOrden dalItemDeUnaOrden = new GOA.DAL.DAL_ItemDeUnaOrden();            
        using (TransactionScope transaccion = new TransactionScope())
            //Insertion of the order
            orden.Id = dalOrdenDeCompra.InsertarOrdenDeCompra(orden.NumeroOrden, orden.PuntoDeEntregaParaLaOrden.Id, (int)orden.TipoDeCompra, orden.FechaOrden, orden.Observaciones);
            foreach (ItemDeUnaOrden item in orden.Items)
                //Insertion of each one of its items. 
                dalItemDeUnaOrden.InsertarItemDeUnaOrden(orden.Id, item.CodigoProductoAudifarma, item.CodigoProductoJanssen, item.CodigoEAN13, item.Descripcion, item.CantidadOriginal, item.ValorUnitario);
        return true;

And here is the DAL code that perform the inserts:

public int InsertarOrdenDeCompra(string pNumeroOrden, int pPuntoEntregaId, int pTipoDeCompra, DateTime pFechaOrden, string pObservaciones)
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            using (SqlConnection conexion = new SqlConnection())
                using (SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand())
                    ConnectionStringSettings conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSMARTDB"];
                    conexion.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString;
                    comando.Connection = conexion;
                    comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    comando.CommandText = "GOA_InsertarOrdenDeCompra";
                    //...parameters setting
                    return (int)comando.ExecuteScalar();                  

public int InsertarItemDeUnaOrden(int pOrdenDeCompraId, string pCodigoProductoAudifarma, string pCodigoProductoJanssen, string pCodigoEAN13, string pDescripcion, int pCantidadOriginal, decimal pValorUnitario)
        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
        using (SqlConnection conexion = new SqlConnection())
            using (SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand())
                ConnectionStringSettings conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSMARTDB"];
                conexion.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString;                        
                comando.Connection = conexion;
                comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                comando.CommandText = "GOA_InsertarItemDeUnaOrden";
                //... parameters setting
                return comando.ExecuteNonQuery();

Now, my problem is in the items insertion; when the InsertarItemDeUnaOrden tries to open a new connection an exception is rised because that would cause the TransactionScope to try promoting to MSDTC, wich I don't have enabled and I would prefer not to enable.

My doubts:

  • Understandig that the method tht starts the transaction is in the business layer and I don't want there any SqlConnection, ¿can I use another design for my data access so I'm able to reuse the same connection?
  • Should I enable MSDTC and forget about it?


EDIT: solution

I created a new class in the DAL to hold transactions like this:

namespace GOA.DAL
    public class DAL_Management
        public SqlConnection ConexionTransaccional { get; set; }

        public bool TransaccionAbierta { get; set; }

        public DAL_Management(bool pIniciarTransaccion)
            if (pIniciarTransaccion)
                TransaccionAbierta = false;

        private void IniciarTransaccion()
            this.TransaccionAbierta = true;
            this.ConexionTransaccional = new SqlConnection();
            ConnectionStringSettings conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSMARTDB"];
            this.ConexionTransaccional.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString;

        public void FinalizarTransaccion()
            this.ConexionTransaccional = null;
            this.TransaccionAbierta = false;

I modified the DAL execution methods to receive a parameter of that new class, and use it like this:

public int InsertarItemDeUnaOrden(int pOrdenDeCompraId, string pCodigoProductoAudifarma, string pCodigoProductoJanssen, string pCodigoEAN13, string pDescripcion, int pCantidadOriginal, decimal pValorUnitario, DAL_Management pManejadorDAL)
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                using (SqlConnection conexion = new SqlConnection())
                    using (SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand())
                        if (pManejadorDAL.TransaccionAbierta == true)
                            comando.Connection = pManejadorDAL.ConexionTransaccional;
                            ConnectionStringSettings conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSMARTDB"];
                            conexion.ConnectionString = conString.ConnectionString;
                            comando.Connection = conexion;
                        comando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        comando.CommandText = "GOA_InsertarItemDeUnaOrden";

And finally, modified the calling class:

        DAL.DAL_OrdenDeCompra dalOrdenDeCompra = new GOA.DAL.DAL_OrdenDeCompra();
        DAL.DAL_ItemDeUnaOrden dalItemDeUnaOrden = new GOA.DAL.DAL_ItemDeUnaOrden();            
            using (TransactionScope transaccion = new TransactionScope())
                DAL.DAL_Management dalManagement = new GOA.DAL.DAL_Management(true);
                orden.Id = dalOrdenDeCompra.InsertarOrdenDeCompra(orden.NumeroOrden, orden.PuntoDeEntregaParaLaOrden.Id, (int)orden.TipoDeCompra, orden.FechaOrden, orden.Observaciones, dalManagement);
                foreach (ItemDeUnaOrden item in orden.Items)
                    dalItemDeUnaOrden.InsertarItemDeUnaOrden(orden.Id, item.CodigoProductoAudifarma, item.CodigoProductoJanssen, item.CodigoEAN13, item.Descripcion, item.CantidadOriginal, item.ValorUnitario, dalManagement);

With this changes I'm inserting orders and items without enabling MSDTC.

Best Answer

When using TransactionScope with multiple connections against SQL Server 2005, the transaction will always escalate to a distributed one (meaning MSDTC will be used).

This is a known issue, fixed in SQL Server 2008.

One option you have is to write a single stored procedure that does all the required operations (folding up GOA_InsertarOrdenDeCompra and all calls GOA_InsertarItemDeUnaOrden). With SQL Server 2005 this can be accomplished with an XML parameter, though SQL Server 2008 (apart from not having this issue) has table-valued parameters.