C# – Base64 image doesn’t display on Render PDF from RDLC report


I'm trying to display image(base64 string) using parameter(@CustomerSign) in RDLC report (I'm rendering PDF file from report and I'm seeing PDF file)

I've configured image property as below:

Select the image source : Database

Use this field :


Use this MIME type: image/png

And passing parameter:

ReportParameter CustomerSign = new ReportParameter("CustomerSign", obj.SignImage);

But the image showing red Cross [X] instead of image, and doesn't gives an error!

What could be the issue?

I've also tried: How can I render a PNG image (as a memory stream) onto a .NET ReportViewer report surface

Best Answer

Support for images is pretty limited, this MSDN article discusses what you can do.

Seems somewhat obvious from the question that embedding them in the report is not an option. But you can specify an external dbase as a source. Beware the EnableExternalImages property you have to set, as documented by the MSDN article. Seems the way to go, the question is not detailed enough, you might have to provide a suitable table with the desired image in your code.